The Alumni Association has finalized a program for the celebrations next spring, on Saturday May 4, 2019.
Below is the final schedule of events, and also some helpful requests for which our committee seeks your assistance.
10:30 am: Brunch for present and former staff members
– at the school
– tickets will be available online
12:00 noon to 4:00 pm: Open House at the school
– visit the old building, probably for the last time
– decade rooms, auditorium ceremony, refreshments
– souvenirs will be for sale in advance online, to be picked up at the school (watch for details)
8:00 pm: Evening social event. Details are yet to be finalized. Tickets will be available at this web site in mid-March.
8:00 pm: Farewell to the Auditorium
– a special evening at which alumni are invited to come back and perform here one last time
– tickets will be available online in mid-March or at the Open House
1) Mark the dates on your calendar for next year, Saturday May 4, 2019 and spread the word.
2) If you are in town and can help set up for the Open House the evening before or assist during the day, we’d love to have you on board. Contact Stan Farrow ( and he will pass the word on to the executive. Decorating decade rooms, “hosting” various rooms in the school, helping at the registration desk, souvenir desk – whatever you can offer.
3) For the Auditorium Farewell, would you be willing to perform (sing, act, play, dance, etc. – as you did at Thomson in the old days, or as you have done or are doing since)? Could you suggest names and contact information of alumni you’d like to see in the show? We already have about a dozen performers confirmed, including local media personalities Tom Hayes and Jennifer Valentyne – did you know they are Thomson Alumni?
4) Do you have contact information for any of the following grads: Don Baxter (a former staff member), Helen Binnie, Michelle Bourne, Paul Brewer, Kevin Burke, Trudy Cameron, Lorie Easton, Lance Eng, Katia and Pina Gianneschi, Katie Griffin, Ian Ireland, Lisa Kambeitz, Debbie Knight, Mark Lawson, Cindy Lennox, Cam McBain, Vivian Snead, Melissa Thomson?
5) Again, if you can help us here, contact Stan Farrow: