Statement by Thomson Alumni Association following the shooting death of a student in the school

The Thomson Alumni Association sent the following message to the principal of David and Mary Thomson Collegiate Institute, Mr. Aatif Choudhry, in the aftermath of the shooting and murder of an 18-year-old student, Jahiem Robinson, inside the school on the afternoon of February 14, 2022.

Dear Mr. Choudhry,

On behalf of the David and Mary Thomson Alumni Association, I wish to express our shock and sorrow at the shooting death of a student at the school. Our first thought is for family members, fellow students and staff members directly affected by this tragedy. We realize how fortunate our many alumni members have been in never having had to experience such an event first-hand. We send our deepest sympathy to all those for whom this death is a personal trauma.

At the same time, as alumni members, we remain proud Thomsonites, confident that the positive memories we have of our time at the school will remain even and especially for those living through such an event. We express our confidence that you and your colleagues in the school and the Board can draw upon Thomson’s long tradition in supporting families and individuals most affected by adversity.


Bob McBride
President, Thomson Alumni Association


#1 Henry bielema on 05.11.23 at 6:07 pm

Alum banquet this year. When is it

#2 Site Webmaster on 05.16.23 at 9:22 pm

Apologies, there is no alumni banquet planned.

#3 Henry bielema on 05.11.23 at 6:11 pm

Alum banq is there one this year. How do I make a reservation

#4 Site Webmaster on 05.16.23 at 9:22 pm

There is no alumni banquet planned in 2023

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